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Apples by Suzanne Godau

Apples by Suzanne Godau

Apples by Suzanne Godua, oils on canvas

Watercolor by Ashley Lodovicho

Watercolor by Ashley Lodovicho

A Starry Night

A Starry Night

painted bench on Main St. Bristol by artist: Kim Villanti

Cat Boyce Berlin Sunset.jpg

Cat Boyce Berlin Sunset.jpg

About the Art Squad: 

Operation StoreFront Art Mission Statement: 
This project is part of a city-wide effort by local artists known as the #bristolctartsquad, to fill vacant storefronts with vibrant art to display the artistic talent of Bristol and the HEART to fill our storefronts.
How to get involved:
Let us know about your ideas.
Do you have a suggestion for a storefront?
Another Art project?
Are you an artist and want to be featured in future projects? 
Do you want to feature an artist in your existing establishment?
Send an email to
Join us in peppering our City with Arts & Culture
We are passionate about bringing culture and awareness to our community and promoting our local talents!
Feel free to tell us what you think and give us feedback
To keep up to date with everything All Heart Art Squad, including tips and things we think are cool, just head to the Bristol CT All Heart Art Squad Blog!


Mission Statement:


The “All  Heart” culture of Bristol is inspiring the formation of community  action groups (heart squads) to share a piece of their heart & passion, of  which the Art Squad is one! 


We are a group of talented community artists who, like stealthy cultural ninjas, have joined forces to pepper the City with arts & culture and set the agenda on public arts projects.


 With  the  City  firmly  behind  a  marketing  strategy  that  values  arts  and  culture,  we  now  have  the  opportunity  to  create   visible  arts  projects  that  highlight  the  inherent  awesomeness  of  art,  but  also  stimulates  economic  development, elevating our beloved City of All Heart,

Bristol, Connecticut! 

 Follow the ART SQUAD: 
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Operation: Storefront Art Launch

Visit them all! 



05.31.2015 - 2pm :

FireFly Hollow Brewing - Meet & Greet and closing Reception. FB Event:



© 2015 by the Art Squad. Proudly created with

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