Calling All Artists!
Art Squad Seeks Artists for Phase II of Traffic Box Art Project

The Bristol Art Squad burst onto the scene last Spring with the successful “Operation Storefront Art” project and again this past Fall for the start of “Operation Traffic Box Art”. Now, Bristol’s cultural ninjas are looking to the extended artist community to be involved in Phase II of Operation Traffic Box Art!
The Art Squad, in collaboration with the City of Bristol and Bristol Chamber of Commerce, began work to transform 21 City-owned traffic control boxes at select intersections into works of art promoting the City’s cultural assets. Now, the Art Squad is looking to finish the remaining traffic boxes by July.
To do so, the Squad is holding a competition inviting all artists in Bristol and the region to vie for the right to paint one of 9 remaining boxes. Artists may choose to submit applications for the following concepts (no application limit).
Indian Rock (Wolcott Rd & South St Exts)
Historic Main Street (Main St & Memorial Blvd)
Page Park / Disc Golf (**small box at King & Woodland St)
Sessions Clock Factory (East Main St & Lincoln Ave)
ESPN / Manufacturing (Pine St & Redstone Rd)
Downtown / Hot Air Balloons (Broad & Andrews St)
Pine Lake / Soccer (Pine & Lincoln)
Giamatti Little League Center (Jerome & Maple)
Forestville Center / Railroad Station (Stafford & Washington)
Artists have until Thursday, March 31st at midnight to submit sketches for their concept(s) of choice. Sketches may be done in color or black and white.
To apply, artists must submit sketches to representing their chosen concept and how it would appear on the 4 sides of the traffic box, while also somehow tying in Bristol’s new Bristol All Heart brand/logo elements.
The Art Squad will review sketches beginning April 1st, notifying artists in mid-April whether they were selected. Artists, upon approval from the Art Squad, City of Bristol, and Chamber, will have May and June to complete their boxes, before they are sealed.
“The art will represent the great assets in our community in a vibrant manner, bringing our cultural personality to the forefront,” says Art Squad Captain Ginger Grant. “It helps you stop and think about what’s in our community and invites you to participate in our attractions. That’s what we want.”
“Fun, but meaningful,” says fellow Art Squad Captain Lindsay Vigue. “This lets us encourage others to create, to join the movement of bettering our City, and to encourage connection with our cultural assets.”
“There is nothing more rewarding, as an artist, than to share my passion with the city that I love and proudly call home,” said Suzanne Godau, the talented Art Squad artist who painted the Bristol farms box at the intersection of Jerome and Maple Avenue. “Let’s paint the city and spread excitement, beauty and culture — just what Bristol needs!”
“These grey canvas’ are opportunities that can inspire support and pride, but also economic impacts,” said Chamber & City Marketing Manager Mark Walerysiak Jr. “Today’s society is one of ‘out of sight, out of mind’, so these grey canvas’ are perfect platforms for Bristol’s story. If [the boxes] inspire people to go to a Museum they’ve never been, or to visit a Blues game, those are positive, tangible economic impacts. Multiply that several times and it makes the whole City more viable for connection.”
Artist Cody Martin agrees. “I’m glad to be a part of such an awesome project,” said Martin, who painted a Rockwell Skatepark themed box on the corner of West and Center Streets. “These boxes are ugly and plain. I’m happy we have the opportunity to bring life to the street.”
Any artists interested in becoming part of Art Squad initiatives, please contact or shoot us a message!