Operation Storefront Art on Display at Firefly Hollow Brewing
The All Heart pieces from Operation: Storefront Art are now on display at Fiirefly Hollow Brewing, 139 Center Street, Bristol Ct. The...

Operation: Storefront Art Launches April 1st (full details)
The #BristolCTArtSquad has paired with the Bristol Chamber of Commerce along with various artists to showcase the new "All Heart" culture...

Contact the ALL HEART Storefront Artists!
Anna Mastropolo http://annamastropolo.blogspot.com/ Admire Anna's Work @ Route 6 -‐ 123 Farmington Avenue (The former GNC) Ar'Shaun...

Operation Storefront Feature Artist: Cat Boyce
Name: Cat Boyce Medium: Photography Website: http://www.catboycephotography.com/ Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/CatBoycePhot...

Operation Storefront Feature Artist: Ashley Lodovico
Admire Ashley's work @ West End -‐ 175 West Street (Next to Boss House Cuts) Hello! My name is Ashley Frances Lodovico, I grew up in...

Operation Storefront Feature Artist: Suzanne Godau
Admire Suzanne's work downtown @ 369 North Main Street (The former Milestone) Suzanne Godau is a locally known artist. Her passion is...