Operation: Storefront Art Launches April 1st (full details)
The #BristolCTArtSquad has paired with the Bristol Chamber of Commerce along with various artists to showcase the new "All Heart" culture of Bristol, beautify vacant storefronts, and provide a chance to win an All Heart piece of artwork that with the artist's interpretation of something that's All Heart in our community!
Local business owners with vacant storefront space have graciously left the door open for us to swoop in SWAT-style, like only the Art Squad can, to put up art installations that will:
• Promote our community’s arts & culture
• Draw attention to storefronts to help lease/sell vacant spaces
• Aesthetically improve the look of our neighborhoods
• Provide a vehicle to spread the positive All Heart culture
• Provide a fun project that stimulates community participation and tourism
Key Project Detaiils:
• Start Date: Wednesday April 1st
• Project Duration: 6 weeks, concludes Friday May 15th
5 Locations across Bristol will be taken over by Operation: Storefront Art
• Riverside Ave -‐ 15 Memorial Boulevard (between Bristol Liquors and Amanda’s
• West End -‐ 175 West Street (Next to Boss House Cuts)
• Forestville -‐ 61 East Main Street
• Route 6 -‐ 123 Farmington Avenue (The former GNC)
• North Main -‐ 369 North Main Street (The former Milestone)
Community Participation / Social Media Contest!
To enter the raffle to win each storefront's All Heart Art Piece, take a selfie picture in front of the art and storefront (visit them all!). Post it online with these 3 hashtags #Operationstorefrontart #BristolCT #AllHeart, and we will monitor Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for your entries!