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Artsquad Inspiration Spreads!


Lisa Ronalter, a carousel horse painter at The New England Carousel Museum, joined the Artsquad for The All Heart to Fight Blight Day last month. She and her son, Brent, painted a beautiful 8x8 mural with us in the west end. Ronalter, a Plymouth resident, was so inspired by the All Heart movement of storefront art and murals in Bristol, that she hoped to spread the beauty of storefront art to her own town!



She was introduced to Bristol's David Haberfeld, who had just recently purchased 211 Main Street. He was more than happy to have artwork be displayed in the vacant windows in hopes to attract business. Within just days of meeting, Ronalter had talked with local art teachers in the schools and had artwork from kids of all ages to display in the windows! And within just two weeks of having the artwork displayed, the once vacant building now has a new business to move in! Go Lisa!

"Plymouth Rocks Downtown with Art!"


Lisa's son, Brent having fun getting his hands messy with paint at the Art Squad's Art to Fight Blight Day.


Lisa and her son, Brent's beautiful 8x8 foot painting. They had a blast.



Mission Statement:


The “All  Heart” culture of Bristol is inspiring the formation of community  action groups (heart squads) to share a piece of their heart & passion, of  which the Art Squad is one! 


We are a group of talented community artists who, like stealthy cultural ninjas, have joined forces to pepper the City with arts & culture and set the agenda on public arts projects.


 With  the  City  firmly  behind  a  marketing  strategy  that  values  arts  and  culture,  we  now  have  the  opportunity  to  create   visible  arts  projects  that  highlight  the  inherent  awesomeness  of  art,  but  also  stimulates  economic  development, elevating our beloved City of All Heart,

Bristol, Connecticut! 

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Operation: Storefront Art Launch

Visit them all! 



05.31.2015 - 2pm :

FireFly Hollow Brewing - Meet & Greet and closing Reception. FB Event:



© 2015 by the Art Squad. Proudly created with

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