Calling All Artists!
Art Squad Seeks Artists for Phase II of Traffic Box Art Project The Bristol Art Squad burst onto the scene last Spring with the...

Art Squad fun at The Greater Hartford Art's Canvas Night
The Art Squad had a blast being the featured guest for the Greater Hartford Arts Council's first event of the year, Canvas at Firefly...

Art Squad on Instagram
We are offically on Instagram now! You can find us by searching BristolCT_Artsquad. Follow us to keep updated on everything going on with...

Art Squad Featured in The Observer
The Art Squad's latest Operation, Operation: Traffic Box was just featured in the local paper, The Observer! Thank you to The Bristol...

Art Squad's Operation: Traffic Boxes Featured on WFSB Behind the Scenes
Art Squad's Operation: Traffic Boxes Featured on WFSB Behind the ScenesOctober 28, 2015|CBBehind the scenes photos of the start of...

Art Squad at Rockwell Festival
The Art Squad had a booth at Rockwell Festival this year! We had a blast recruiting new artists and sharing our vision with individuals...

Art Squad at American Clock & Watch Museum White Night
Suzanne represented the Bristol CT Art Squad on June 13 2015 at the American Clock & Watch Museum White Night event. During the event,...

Art to Fight Blight Day
Sunday, May 17th in the West End, The "ART TO FIGHT BLIGHT DAY" took place! Artists came together to paint 4x8 pieces of wood so the next...

Artsquad Inspiration Spreads!
Lisa Ronalter, a carousel horse painter at The New England Carousel Museum, joined the Artsquad for The All Heart to Fight Blight Day...

Operation: Storefront Art Wrap Party
Operation: Storefront Art Wrap Party was a success! This past Sunday, May 31st, 2015, the Art Squad's Operation: Storefront Art came to a...