Art to Fight Blight Day

Sunday, May 17th in the West End, The "ART TO FIGHT BLIGHT DAY" took place! Artists came together to paint 4x8 pieces of wood so the next time a home or building needs boards over its doors or windows, it will be covered with positive, colorful plywood to give some hope to those homes that need a second chance.
We'd like to highlight the immeasurable heart of the many parties that came together for a super cause, working to turn less-than-desirable blighted buildings into works of art/inspiration. Major thanks to the overflow of artists and community members who brought their inspiring talents to the all day paint fest, to the passerbys rooting us on, to the admiring horn honkers and wide eyed picture takers, to the little boy who helped paint aliendinosaur, to City Councilwoman, Ellen Zoppo for suggesting such a rad concept, and to the City for standing behind the arts and purchasing the boards, to the Chamber for their steadfast support, and to Home Depot, who graciously donated a whole lot of painting supplies for a cause they, and we, believe in. Goes to show, when heart leads the way, nothing stops that fireball of energy! We look forward to seeing the boards on homes throughout Bristol!
Enjoy some of the pictures from the event courtesy of Lindsay Vigue, Mark Walerysiak, Cat Boyce and Max Scotti.