Art Squad Captains Rocking the New T-Shirts
The art squad t-shirts are in and we love them! You too can rock an art squad t-shit for only $20. They are currently on sale on the...

Operation Storefront Art on Display at Firefly Hollow Brewing
The All Heart pieces from Operation: Storefront Art are now on display at Fiirefly Hollow Brewing, 139 Center Street, Bristol Ct. The...

Cultural Ninjas making the News!
As with all good stories, it starts with an idea and blossoms into reality. Read what the local news publications have to say:...

Operation: Storefront Art Launches April 1st (full details)
The #BristolCTArtSquad has paired with the Bristol Chamber of Commerce along with various artists to showcase the new "All Heart" culture...

Contact the ALL HEART Storefront Artists!
Anna Mastropolo http://annamastropolo.blogspot.com/ Admire Anna's Work @ Route 6 -‐ 123 Farmington Avenue (The former GNC) Ar'Shaun...

Operation Storefront Feature Artist: Cat Boyce
Name: Cat Boyce Medium: Photography Website: http://www.catboycephotography.com/ Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/CatBoycePhot...

Operation Storefront Feature Artist: Ashley Lodovico
Admire Ashley's work @ West End -‐ 175 West Street (Next to Boss House Cuts) Hello! My name is Ashley Frances Lodovico, I grew up in...